Friday, May 22, 2009

Brashians9900 REUNION


SMTI Brash

Next Year(to be advice)

Brashians9900, need your suggestion on the date.Guys let make it happend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Volunteer a.k.a Class Rep

Salam Brashians9900...

Brashians9900, to those yg nk volunteer as class rep (utk seach for ur class member)..please let me that, aku senang nk call or least nk tau sape yg ader dlm contact and sape yg dah hilang.hehe...yg lost tu kite announce dlm blog sape2 yg view blog ni bile baca senang derang nk respond, rite? cara mudah dan senang...FYI, for my class 4/5ET me, hadrie and Julia will be the 'friend finder'...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Salam Brashians9900,

Dlm post nie aku view kan gambar2 kawn kite yg dah berstatus 'KAHWIN'..kalo korang ader gamabr kwn2 kite yg lain forward lah kt aku

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Memory Daun Pisang? ahahah

Hi Brashians9900...ahaha, kelakar kan bunyinye post nie...xde idea nk tulis ni je yg aku pikir cam best..sbb lagu tu lagu sesuai la ngan ape yg aku nk post nie..
Pangkor Islands_first reunion

FYI, Brashians9900..reunion kt Pangkor dulu kire cm ok la gak kan..tu pun sbb xwar2 kan kepada ramai..mereka yg hadir pun around 20++..ahaha terima kasih kepada merea yg aku kalo bleh nk kelainan la konsep reunion kite kali nie..tu yg nk gather and 'we back to school' kan best ahahaaha...

Siapa di dalam gambar? Sweet 17th.So Brashians9900..itu la sebenarnye motif utk kite buat reunion ni..sbb kite nk gather back all frenz and teacher if no commitment from Brashians9900, i dont think this will happend..

Chot,Kamil,Fifi,Lola,'people1' and 'people 2'NOTE: People 1 and people 2..sowi xnmpk and xigt dah nama..

Harap gambar2 nie dapat menggerakkan all Brashians9900 utk sama2 menjayakan reunion ini.. k la tulis panjang2 pun xde gune nyer...kalo aku and all the 'commenter' saje yg respond...

DATANG DENGAN HARAPAN,PULANG DENGAN KEJAYAAN...Brashians9900, korang masih ingat lagi dewan and slogan nie...ahaha, so now after stepped out from SMTI, adakah kite sudah berjaya? bukan sekadar berjaya, malah lebih dari yg kite gambarkan semasa di sekolah dulu..rite? Brashians9900, di sinilah semua kertas SPM2000 terjawab...dan disini lah juga keputusan diumumkan...memory remains....

Aspura? ahahah...kenangan Aspuri melawat Aspura..huh, hanya Tuhan je yang tahu..but, dlm busuk2 Aspura tue ader jer yg bertemu jodoh utk hidup bersama..heheh

Surau, tempat beribadat seluruh warga SMTI...antara kebanggaan kite as SMTIBrashians..Alhamdulillah..k la..salam..

10 years stepped out from SMTI ??

Hey all ExBrash9900,

Is it that long? Yes la...

10 years ever since we stepped our decent feet on the land of the SMTI. How far have we gone today, will never take us far from what we had before. Our story only we should keep and remember.

So, what u guys think. If we gather back all 99/00 students?

Please support and let's make it happen!
